The training will be aimed at detailed study of the data visualization tools used in INITI SOLO, as well as the methods of advanced customization of graphical objects.
The training program is meant for trainees that have basic knowledge of Unix-like systems at the user level, basic knowledge of IP networks and understanding of basic monitoring protocols (SNMP, syslog, etc.), basic knowledge of and experience in using prevailing programming languages. The training course takes 2 (two) days, 8 (eight) hours each. As a result, a trainee will gain the skills of using and basic administration of the INITI SOLO software.
ICA (Initi Certified Associate) certification is required to obtain the ICP certification. The training program is meant for trainees that have knowledge of Unix-like systems at the administrator level, decent knowledge of modern network technologies including, but not limited to, routing protocols, development of tunnels, and oth., as well as knowledge of the main operation principles of sql and no-sql databases. The training course takes 3 (three) days, 24 (twenty-four) hours each. As a result, a trainee will gain the skills of the INITI SOLO software administration.
ICP (Initi Certified Professional) certification is required to obtain the ICD certification. The training program is meant for trainees that have knowledge of Unix-like systems at the administrator level, decent knowledge of modern network technologies including, but not limited to, routing protocols, development of tunnels, and oth., as well as knowledge of the main operation principles of sql and no-sql databases, knowledge of and experience in using prevailing programming languages.
The training course takes 3 (three) days, 24 (twenty-four) hours each. As a result, a trainee will gain the skills of developing supplementary modules for the INITI SOLO software.